Wake Up To Reality (WUTR) is a 501c3 nonprofit organization that serves individuals who are passionate about spiritual awakening, consciousness, and practical, embodied practices for living a life of love and service to Truth.
James Wood is the Cofounder and lead teacher of WUTR as well as the author of Ten Paths to Freedom: Awakening Made Simple. James teaches from his own realization of Truth and compassion as it is lived in the world. He is dedicated to communicating the essence of the Teaching to those who are ready to receive it.
Aly Waibel, PhD is the Cofounder of WUTR and a teacher of compassion cultivation and meditation.
James and Aly are married and enjoy living in Central Oregon with their two adorable dogs.
WUTR is a registered public charity, EIN number 86-2114072.
The Heart of Compassion
Compassion dictates that we relieve suffering. Who among us isn’t moved by daily news stories and images of misery across the globe?
But most of us probably feel that there’s not much we can do about it.
If I see an image of a starving child, an oppressive regime, or a grieving mother—what am I to do?
There is something you can do. You can work to eliminate your own suffering.
In fact, it’s the only way.
On this website, you will find resources to help you do just that.
It is our wish that you find the world’s solutions in your own heart, in the light of your own awakened understanding.
We are committed to helping you. Please join us in this effort to end suffering, one person at a time.
Many Blessings, James and Aly